why i’ve broken up with no chip manicures until further notice

i’m not denying there’s nothing better than a no chip mani. that sh*t can last through a tsunami. my hang up is that i get caught up in a vicious cycle of no chip after no chip because you have to take your a*s to the salon to get it removed and then you’re like WELL YOLO let me just get another no chip because regular manis are kinda the worst. if you’ve ever felt that no chip manicures are a never-ending vicious cycle you can’t break, and you’ve never been able to leave a salon after a regular mani without chipping a nail even before you get to your car, then i have the solution for you. 

i’m here to introduce a new manicure that is truly the perfect balance between a regular and no chip mani: dazzle dry.  it’s honestly one of the best things ever. like one of the best inventions i know of. idk who created this idea but they deserve a grammy or a pulitzer. the “technology” behind this manicure is that it does not require the UV light used for a no chip manicure yet somehow it lasts about 2 weeks, which is similar to how long a no chip lasts. 

i know, i didn’t believe it when i first heard it either, but it’s true. brace yourself friends – this might be the best part – YOU CAN TAKE IT OFF YOURSELF. with regular nail polish remover. in the comfort of your own home. and your nails aren’t dry af after removing the polish. not to mention it’s only $25 at my salon. it also takes wayyyyy less time than a no chip because you’re not alternating your hands in a tanning bed 239839 times. AND it dries after 5 minutes and you’re good to go – that sh*t isn’t moving. incredible, right? i thought this whole dazzle dry thing was a gimmick when i first heard about it tbh. i’ve been going to nail fairy in lincoln park for awhile now because that’s where my sister goes and remember that time i said i kinda do everything she does? we also go to the same hair salon lolz.

anyway, when we first heard about dazzle, it was pretty new and we were like wait, what?! how?! so we decided to give it a try. it was love at first sight for me and there was no going back. sure, i’ll get a no chip manicure sometime in the future if an occasion really calls for it. but this dazzle dry manicure is honestly LIFE. my mani lasts 2-3 weeks through thick and thin, for better or worse. let me be clear that i am basing all of my recommendations and hype on this specific salon with julie, one of the best manicurists there is – she can do no wrong. 

not pictured: nail swatches of every color so you can actually see what a color looks like !!!!!

i’m the kind of person who can only function when i have the same nail color on my hands as my feet. it’s probs part of my OCD. there’s nothing wrong with having them mismatched but idk my brain can’t handle it. and you know when you get a no chip mani you have to find the best possible match of regular polish for your feet to match the no chip color for your hands? idk about y’all but that stressed me and my frantic self out every single time. with dazzle dry, you never have the worry about that again. if you’re not convinced of this dazzle thing yet, here’s a pic of my mani from this morning that might do the trick. 

*insert heart eyes emoji*

so the moral of the story here is: not only is nail fairy one of the best salons i’ve ever been to – from the staff to the quality of service to the comfort to the rom coms they play on a loop throughout the day – but i cannot recommend dazzle dry enough. i love telling anyone and everyone i can about this because i truly believe in how f*cking good it is. i brought my bff alex with me a couple months ago and now she’s also a fan. i don’t know of any other salon that offers this service so do yourself a favor and check out nail fairy and let them work their magic for you. 

i think i’ve ranted enough about manicures, but let’s be real, i instantly feel like i have my life together when my nails are done so this rant was much needed. i hope this helps any of y’all trying to have your nails did on a budget on the regs! and with that being said – HAPPY DECEMBER 1ST MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY CHRISTMAS HARRY. and because my bff marty would never let me live this down, a special shout out to him – happy birthday month to you, the one and only thicc tish. and on that note, enjoy the rest of this rainy af saturday and don’t forget to make time for self-care to ward off the sunday scaries! byeeeeee

1 Reply to “why i’ve broken up with no chip manicures until further notice”

  1. You and I are on the same page with having to match mani and pedi colors! I need to try this amazing invention 😍

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