products i use in an attempt to achieve luscious post-shower hair

welcome back to my wonderful platform! i’m reporting live from my new macbook air, which i purchased this week after having a considerable amount of wine at lunch with my sister. YOLOOOO. shout out to the sales associate at the apple store who was gracious enough to put up with my franticness and sell me this new laptop baby. this thing is so godd*mn delicate i don’t even want to breathe on it wrong. also, for those of you who read last week’s post where i mentioned possibly adopting a dog for more YOLO reasons, i’m still dog-less until tbd. with that being said, today i’ll be talking about leave-in conditioner sprays i use after i wash my hair.

if you’ve read anything on my site since i started this future pulitzer prize-winning blog, you know that i have dry, frizzy hair that i wash about 2-3 times a week. who am i kidding, i’m saying 3 to be generous, it’s actually more like 2. having dry af hair is a gift and a curse. shout out dry shampoo! i’ve had a love/hate relationship with my hair since childhood. it’s always been thick and puffy, 80% wavy and 20% randomly straight. i’ve struggled with finding the right products, and it’s only been between the last 7 or 8 months that i’ve found ones that seem to be working well for me. the stars of today’s show are briogeo and pureology. i’ve raved about my love for briogeo shampoos and conditioners so feel free to brush up on that if you’re interested in what i’m using in the actual process of washing my hairz.

first off, i’d like to thank aide, my friend at work, for even introducing me to these sprays. she knew i love briogeo so when she received the travel sizes of these in her boxycharm and didn’t love them, she passed them on to me. my post-shower hair has never been happier since using these! i’m not exactly sure how to distinguish between the two, because they have similarities and differences but are equally wonderful. both of these sprays are not technically the consistency of a spray, but more so a cream that claims to be a spray, so it’s in a spray bottle. like…these are spray imposters if you ask me lololol.

this is important because rather than spraying the product directly into my hair, i’ve found that it’s better to spray it onto my hands, rub them together, then apply it throughout my hair. when my hair is feeling extra dry, i tend to gravitate more toward the don’t despair, repair spray. it smells delicious and adds so much moisture to my hair. this was really good during the winter months when it felt like my hair was getting kind of lack luster. i’ll also use this when i wash my hair after i’ve used a heat styling tool, aka my curling wand, because it’s nice to try and reverse whatever damage i made to my hair when i waved it at 400 degrees.

as mentioned, this spray is v similar to the don’t despair, repair, but this rosarco milk one has its own unique features. i use this when my hair isn’t as dry, and i know it’s going to air dry into whatever form it takes after i’ve slept on it all night and go to work the next morning. it seems to do a good job of smoothing and relaxing my hair, while also adding moisture. i’m not saying the despair/repair one makes my hair look wild, it just seems that whatever the h*ll rosarco milk is, it seems to have some sort of smoothing effect. with both of these briogeo sprays, my hair instantly absorbs all the goodness and feels healthy af.

and last, but certainly not least in my heart, this pureology 21 benefits spray. they don’t say 21 benefits for nothing, the list of sh*t that this claims to do for your hair is both miraculous and a little concerning. the first time i tried to read the list in whole i got tired and gave up. i’m not trying to pick favorites, but if i only had to choose one of these sprays to use for the rest of my life, it would be this one. i started using this because my sister loves it for her hair, so naturally i had to try it as well. i think this spray (which is actually a spray as it claims to be, it’s a hella fine mist) provides equal parts moisture, frizz control, and smoothing. it also has heat protecting properties, which is always a bonus. i always use this spray when i know i’m going to be waving/curling my hair because it keeps it as sleek and manageable as my hair can get.

so i know these products are kinda bougie, but they’re totally worth it. i buy the pureology spray at ulta and order all my briogeo things online from sephora. what i’ve learned about having a variety of products is that you can save money by purchasing the travel size versions if you’re going to alternate between them and wash your hair the bare minimum times like i do. there’s not much point to purchasing full size products if you’re not going to use them on the regz. i make an exception for the pureology spray though because i go HAM whenever i use it. whatever works, am i right?! my hair needs a lot of love so shout out to these sprays for making it that much easier for me.

that’s a wrap on today’s beauty rant! i hope y’all enjoyed! and if you use any leave-in products you think i might like, let me know! i’m wishing everyone a sunny spring weekend filled with happiness and self-care things. k bye!