lockdown thoughts & ideas for staying sane

hi there fellow quarantine friends! this definitely hasn’t been the easiest week/time, as many of you may or may not have also been experiencing given the current state of the world and health and political climate. it’s v normal right now to not feel normal. if you’ve been waking up with existential dread and struggle to find purpose, even though you have a kick a*s to-do list, you’re not alone! i’ve been going a little cray cray going from the same three rooms in my apartment, which i would normally have no issues with, but now that i’m isolated af and working from home, i’ve never felt the need to spend HOURS outside of my apartment more than i do now.

so if you’re all like SAMEEEE here’s what has helped me in the last couple days: hang in there. keep going. remember this is temporary. exercise – seriously. it’ll help. even if it’s just 10-15 minutes. facetime as many family/friends as you can. try to read a book or magazine or watch a new show. listen to music and/or podcasts – i wrote a post on my fav podcasts if you need some ideas! don’t get stuck in the same place. try putting on actual clothes, maybe even jeans (*gasp* i know y’all but i swear it helps sometimes) to feel put together or stay in comfy clothes all day because there’s no amount of put togetherness that can distract from the fact that there is a global f*cking pandemic rn. eat that snack because tbh what the f*ck else are you going to do or have to look forward to LOL.

and in addition to the above ideas for your mental health and sanity, i wanted to introduce y’all to my stream of consciousness as it relates to this pandemic for that last couple weeks. i recorded these #lockdownszn thoughts for some much needed humor amid this crisis and thought it would be a good idea for a blog post. here goes nothing!

  • is this shortness of breath and tightness in my chest my crippling anxiety or covid-19 symptoms?!?!?!?!
  • pajamas all damn day
  • but also i need to put on my brows and some mascara or else i’ll feel totally dead inside 
  • what f*cking day is it 
  • i need to go to the store so i should prob start mentally preparing myself 
  • let’s play a game of “will the store have what i’m looking for” 
  • the gluten-free life is actually in my favor for once because it’s the only sh*t left at the store 
  • i am full of existential dread
  • what was life like before this?
  • maybe i should start exercising during this lockdown *googles at home workouts that i never end up doing*
  • did lysol, clorox, and dial products ever actually exist before this 
  • is it ok to have self-isolation brunch in which i drink a whole bottle of champagne on my own or ? 
  • my sleep schedule is total sh*t now
  • thank god for this harry potter marathon 
  • should i watch avengers infinity war for the 1992387474747th time 
  • b*tch stop eating your lockdown food
  • i really f*cking hate the word quarantine
  • ‪since a bunch of people didn’t know how to act when we had nice weather mother nature is like now you get gloomy af weather b*tch ‬
  • why is it that the only thing i’ve been wanting to watch besides marvel movies are stand up comedy shows 
  • oh sh*t i’ve fallen into the rationale that i don’t need to wash my hair because i’m not going anywhere or seeing anyone 
  • will i ever find lysol spray in the store again 
  • ok but why is distilled water one of the sold out items 
  • i’m sure endless hours of diners drive ins and dives will get me thru this pandemic 
  • i’m literally filling my time facetiming my parents to complain about lockdown and planning my next meal
  • how dare my vacuum break in the middle of a global pandemic 
  • i’ve never been happier to find an unopened travel size package of clorox wipes i didn’t even realize i had 
  • my hands hurt from washing them too much 
  • oops touched my face again 
  • did i wash my hands before touching this? 
  • i’m on my 18287363th cup of coffee like what do i really need all this caffeine for?! 
  • thank god for quarantine memes otherwise i’d be having literal mental breakdowns 
  • i’m literally ross in that friends scene when he’s like IM FINEEEEEEE in the most not fine voice ever 
  • not even the psychological thriller i’m reading rn can fully distract me from this global crisis

feel free to let me know how you’ve been feeling and if you’ve had similar thoughts! stay safe, stay home, stay connected. til next time y’all!!!