blog comeback/vitamin c aka the secret to success

HELLO EVERYONE! i would just like to wish myself a warm welcome back because i obviously must have forgotten that i have a whole a$$ blog that i had been posting on. granted, i was historically not great at consistency in the first place, but to not have posted in OVER A YEAR is record-breaking.

anyway, i could sit here and rant about how i probably was burnt out with content and felt like my creativity was running low and that i was struggling with feeling good about what i was writing and having existential crises about who the f*ck even cared about the sh!t i write. i also think i was super f*cking lazy to get on this site and write so i turned my creativity and content to tiktok because DUH ITS TIKTOK.

i started vlogging around december 2020 when i had some time off work around the holidays because i noticed i enjoyed watching other people’s vlogs and also i wanted to feel like i was actually doing something with my life. something about me is that i either always feel like i’m doing too much, or not doing enough, because clearly i can’t just pick a battle LOL. anyway, i actually enjoyed them, and continued to vlog when i went back to work aka just went back to working from home. i actually felt like (and still feel like) vlogs romanticize my life.

let me back up for a hot sec, before december 2020, i found myself struggling with some sh*t that i realized was childhood sh*t, which obviously the panorama felt was appropriate for me to face head on, figure out how to resolve and heal. i’ve now turned into the kind of person who uses ‘healing’ in everyday conversations. i mean, after all, i am a therapist. things got better after i journeyed through that crisis and the rest of the year wasn’t completely awful. i felt like i made some peace with how life’s pace had slowed all the way the f*ck down with the panini. i was feeling confident and valid with myself.

then the craziest shit happened. i was feeling SO confident and valid with myself, and was feeling so proud of myself for resolving a lot of sh*t that i didn’t realize i was struggling with, even though i have literally been in therapy since 2013, and was feeling the most ‘me’ ever. so much so, after three years of intentionally being single and closing myself off to relationships, i made the decision to DM a boy i had only ever said hi to at a party once in 2014 in like the first few days of 2021. new year, new me apparently lmao. I KNOW, I WAS SHOCKED TOO. and i think he would also say he was equally as shocked.

listen – when the universe gives you signs to do something, you have to listen. not to be too spiritual, but the universe will always show you what you need or what you’re ready for. but you have to be in tune and trust yourself. didn’t i say i was on some healing type sh*t?!?!?! long story short, the boy i DM’d (on a lady ball whim after the universe was like YOU NEED TO TALK TO THAT BOY) and i have been together since.

okay enough of all my dramatic updates. let’s get to what we’re really here for. back around fall 2019 i started to discover the absolute magic that is vitamin c. that sh*t is not just wonderful for our bodies and physical health, but it is also amazing for skincare. so i am dedicating the rest of this NOVEL to my fav vitamin c products. #1 – fourth ray beauty raydiate vitamin c face serum (all product pics will be below) is literally liquid gold. i got into serums when i discovered the too faced hangover rx serum and now i love integrating them into my nighttime routines. i use this baby 2-3 times per week and the level of moisture and glow that i have afterward is like a serotonin boost (and who wouldn’t benefit from more serotonin am i right).

moving on with the fourth ray shout out, the glisten up face mist is a TREASURE. i use this everyday after i wash and moisturize my face in the mornings. this provides lasting hydration and glow. i literally panic if i ever happen to almost forget to drench my face in this magical mist. this is great for no makeup makeup days, like literally when i am not wearing any foundation or concealer, but i also use it to set my face on very simple makeup days. i cannot say enough good things about this mist. it smells like happiness and joy and it keeps my dry as$ skin feeling hydrated. what’s not to love?!

and finally, a bougie product that has done me all sorts of good, the olehenriksen banana bright eye creme. this cream is a little pricey, but honestly worth the investment in my opinion. i have always been more of a nighttime eye cream kind of b*tch, but when i kept hearing about how good this product is, or even the primer from this line, i was like i need to see what all this banana vitamin c hype is all about. i apply this eye cream after moisturizer, and before the glisten up face mist. this cream adds a much needed glow to the under-eye. there is no tint or color to the cream, but for a girl with super dry under-eyes, this is clutch for moisturizing that area, as well as adding a glow. this honestly looks like you just applied the most wonderful cream highlight because that’s the amount of glow you get. a little goes a looooong way, which is why i also think it is worth it for the price.

so that concludes my long saga about why i haven’t blogged in a year, and where i’m at in terms of beauty, makeup, and skincare. since the pandemic, i haven’t been wearing as much makeup, so i have really enjoyed how these skincare products help me still maintain a hydrated, glowy, and fresh look. now if i could only get enough sleep so these vitamin c products wouldn’t have to work so hard LOL. a girl can dream. if you take anything away from this other than these product recommendations, know that it is okay to take a break for as long as you need. it is okay to feel overwhelmed by content. but it is important to be true to your creativity and however that is expressed, regardless of platform or numbers. okay now i’m off for some puppy therapy which is really just me giving my dog belly rubs. see you next time i muster up enough motivation to post! <3