podcast favs from a former podcast hater

happy quarantine/social distancing szn!!!! in all seriousness, this sh*t is bananas and i’ve never felt this level of anxiety/stress before. which is quite telling since i am literally a constant ball of anxiety. i hope everyone is staying safe, staying home, getting enough rest, and doing all the other self-care things. during a time of uncertainty, we need the little things that help make us feel like we’re in control and have some anchor in our lives. and by little things i mean a bottle of wine. *cue me trying to take my own advice while i scrub my kitchen counters for the 29489032th time* before i get into this post, i have a couple important updates.

important update #1 – i have been entirely convinced in the last few years that i am happily a homebody. i enjoy going out, but i love staying in just as much (and maybe a teensy bit more). life is about balance, am i right! but one of the things this lockdown has taught me is that i’m a homebody of my on volition, because i choose to be, and because i like it, and NOT because there’s a global pandemic that demands that we stay home. now that i’m being told i can’t go out, i want to go out and do ALL THE THINGS. i don’t even know who i am anymore like my life is a lie!!!!

important update #2 – I’M OFFICIALLY AN AUNT! my sister had her baby (in the middle of a pandemic and everything y’all!!!!) and i’m in so love with that little wasian nugget. i analyzed her birth chart almost immediately after she was born, OF COURSE. she’s a pisces with an aries cusp, an aquarius moon, and a gemini rising soooo i’m already mentally preparing myself LOL. i’m a proud baby and puppy aunt!!!

ok so let’s get to the point of this post – i was never a podcast fan. there was a time that i would want to flip a table whenever anyone mentioned the word podcast. BUT when i finally took the advice of many podcast encouragers, i was able to immerse myself in the world of podcasts and figure out which ones i enjoy. life is all about trial and error and podcasts are no different lolz. i’m personally into pop culture, current events, and comedy (vs. news/politics) and i basically want to feel like the podcast i’m listening to is essentially a talk show. so without further ado, here is a list of all of my fav podcasts and brief description of why i love them so much:

  • unhappy hour – matt bellassai: i initially thought this wouldn’t be very uplifting given the name, but matt, along with hilarious co-host bari, find a way to bring a ton of humor to current events and topics, and always end with their “chaser” for the week, the good thing that made all the bad stuff go down. I LIVE. if you take away any of these recommendations, it’s this one.
  • good for you – whitney cummings: whitney is one of my favorite comedians right now. i am loving this podcast for my longer work commutes because the episodes are sometimes 1-2 hours and even though that seems too long, whitney is hilarious, knowledgeable, down to earth, and has a hilarious dynamic with her co-host benton.
  • why won’t you date me – nicole byers: i fell in love with nicole from girl code, an amazing show that used to be on mtv2 (they still play reruns sometimes) that i can’t for the life of me understand why it was discontinued. this podcast is just literally her interviewing friends and colleagues, asking them why they think she’s undateable and tbh she takes that sh*t in stride!
  • girls gotta eat – ashley & rayna: this one is hilarious AND raunchy y’all! they go in-depth into hookup culture, relationships, love, intimacy, friendship, career, and other important life topics. i enjoy listening to this when i need to find out what’s going on in the dating world because i’m retired from dating/relationships until further notice LOL.
  • it’s happening – snooki & joey: you literally cannot go wrong listening to snooki discuss pop culture and current events. no further explanation necessary.
  • you’re not getting any younger – jen glantz: now onto more *serious* pods. this is a good one to listen to when you want to feel motivated and/or inspired. i turn this on when i’m trying to learn something new or when my brain feels stuck at work and i need to shift my perspective and energy.
  • therapy chat – laura reagan: another one i listen to at work if i’m in a brain fog and need to get unstuck!!! i’m a licensed therapist, for any of y’all who didn’t know, so naturally i was drawn to this podcast.
  • yoga girl daily – rachel brathen: for all the yoga lovers and aspiring yogis, this is a great way to either start the day, or to schedule into your day for a nice breather. each episode is only about 5-7 minutes and is a super calming mini yoga meditation/intention.

i hope this post inspired some quarantine szn podcast adventures! i think it’s important to still have some structure and routine in our lives, at least i personally do in order to feel like a functioning human, so don’t underestimate the power of a good a*s to-do list!!! but tbh, there are no rules in quarantine. f productivity. stay in your pajamas all day. drink a whole bottle of champagne for quarantine brunch. eat pizza for breakfast. whatever yo do, just make sure you wash your hands and avoid public/crowds!!!! take care y’all!