blog comeback/vitamin c aka the secret to success

HELLO EVERYONE! i would just like to wish myself a warm welcome back because i obviously must have forgotten that i have a whole a$$ blog that i had been posting on. granted, i was historically not great at consistency in the first place, but to not have posted in OVER A YEAR is record-breaking….

lockdown szn: tips for working from home

happy 213912809th day of quarantine! despite all of the existential dread i’ve been experiencing, i’m proud of myself for finally being more consistent with my blog posts so if this lockdown has taught me anything, it’s that i’ll force myself do things that i would typically procrastinate to the very last second because what the…

lockdown thoughts & ideas for staying sane

hi there fellow quarantine friends! this definitely hasn’t been the easiest week/time, as many of you may or may not have also been experiencing given the current state of the world and health and political climate. it’s v normal right now to not feel normal. if you’ve been waking up with existential dread and struggle…

podcast favs from a former podcast hater

happy quarantine/social distancing szn!!!! in all seriousness, this sh*t is bananas and i’ve never felt this level of anxiety/stress before. which is quite telling since i am literally a constant ball of anxiety. i hope everyone is staying safe, staying home, getting enough rest, and doing all the other self-care things. during a time of…

hibernation szn/the reason i’ve been MIA

happy hibernation szn!!!!!! aka the time of the year after the holidays when you refuse to leave the house so you can snuggle up on the couch in a blanket burrito, only leave for food and drinks, and become bffs with the grubhub delivery person until spring. (or is that just me?) if you’re anything…

brb listening to christmas jams on repeat

hello all and happy sunday! what better way to spend the days leading up to christmas than watching cheesy christmas movies on a loop. i’ve watched so many lame and sappy christmas movies within the last few days that i may or may not be starting to believe that true love exists hahahahaha (kidding) BUT…

living my best gluten-free life

tis the season for all holiday errthang and the best time of year to eat and drink all the things and not worry about how well (or not well) our pants are fitting because YOLO it’s the holidays!!!!!! *cue nsync merry christmas happy holidays* sorry i haven’t been around these last couple of weekends but…

skincare thingz

happy sunday world! i made the mistake of going to the grocery store earlier which was a mistake because 1. it’s the weekend before thanksgiving so literally everyone is also grocery shopping and 2. i was hangry and impatient. but i survived!!! today i’m going to discuss some recent skincare-related discoveries i’ve made that have…